Sports activities of mountain hiking, mountain biking, kayaking and rowing.
Alp’evianature, often abbreviated as “AEN,” is an assembly of skilled professionals united under a local sports educators’ union. The initiative was set in motion by elected officials from the Pays d’Evian-Vallée d’Abondance community to foster enhanced synergy among tourism industry participants.
With a presence spanning almost four decades, these mountain professionals are deeply rooted in the area, addressing the demand for supervised hiking activities suitable for all ages, including individuals, groups, works councils, holiday centers, and discovery classes. Possessing a comprehensive understanding of the mountain environment and exceptional physical capabilities, these experts also exhibit human qualities such as sharing, dialogue, and communication.
AEN’s team of Mid-Mountain Guides, High Mountain Guides, Sports Instructors, and Heritage Guides embody professionalism, competence, friendliness, ethics, and professional integrity. They act as natural mediators for those who seek to explore, appreciate, and comprehend the region in its diverse aspects.
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